There are a lot of reasons to write. Most of us who spend any length of time learning the process, going through draft after draft, and ultimately turning out finished products dream of career success and recognition. Yeah, I want to sell a million books. I want a movie deal — not because I think […]
Author Archive: Christine
Book Review: Death Angel
Drea is ready to break with her mob boyfriend, but getting away from him isn’t easy. He sends dangerous assassin Rousseau after her — a man who knows her intimately — and the chase begins. This book is one of those that impresses me with its sheer audacity. The dark hero assassin is basically cliche […]
Restaurants and Serving Size
Let me just start with an extra large helping of reality: A “serving” at a typical American restaurant is so far outside the realm of sanity that it makes the sorcery in my fantasy novels seem reasonable by comparison. If you think your body needs the calories in a half-pound cheeseburger, 32-oz soft drink, and […]
Review: Towers of Midnight (Wheel of Time Book 13)
This second-to-last volume in the Wheel of Time series was almost non-stop excitement. The last battle is coming, and the main characters are getting in place to deal with it. Perrin finally deals with his wolfish side (that was a bit long in coming, IMO). Rand, meanwhile, has embraced death. It’s an Aiel saying, but […]
Characters Welcome: Quinn Hollister
Characters Welcome is a new blog series in which authors have a chance to introduce their characters and tell readers how they “met.” I’m honored to have kindle bestselling mystery author Aaron Lazar join me for the first post in this series. Please welcome him, and particularly welcome his character, Quinn Hollister! How I Met […]
Suspense Magazine Radio Interview
Did a live interview with Suspense Magazine on Blog Talk Radio today. There are three guests and I’m the last, so skip ahead to the 60 minute mark. Hope I sound okay. My husband says I say “so,” “um,” and other similar fillers a lot. But it was a fun interview and the host was […]
Dieting Psychology: I Quit!
I can’t even count the number of diets I’ve quit over the years. I don’t have enough fingers and toes! It happens for any number of reasons, and level of devotion at the beginning is only part of the equation. Especially as I get older and week-to-week weight loss is harder, I find that frustration […]
Book Review: Crystal Cove
I have to give Lisa Kleypas credit — usually when an established mainstream genre romance author takes a stab at something paranormal, the result is painful. That was not the case here. Justine is a hereditary witch, born with magic and raised in pagan traditions drawn from real-world religions such as Wicca. The world building […]
Cassie Scot Release TODAY!!!
The Internet has been buzzing about it for months…a few of you may have even purchased your ebook copies early…but TODAY is the day! Cassie Scot: ParaNormal Detective is out! From the Back Cover… “Cassie Scot is the ungifted daughter of powerful sorcerers, born between worlds but belonging to neither. At 21, all she wants is […]
Book Review: The Gathering Storm (Wheel of time Book 12)
Wow. When I embarked on this journey to finish the Wheel of Time, beginning at the start because of those slippery details, I wasn’t sure what compelled me to pick the series back up. I confess it was a near thing, far closer than I have suggested in my reviews to date. Book 9 left […]