The Eve of Anna

I read The Eye of Anna by Anne Wingate about two weeks ago. I often try to throw in a mystery/detective novel into the mix from time to time and I understood that when it comes to forensic science, Anne Wingate knows her stuff.

I will agree — Anne Wingate does know her stuff when it comes to police procedure and forensic science. Her premise was also good — throw the characters, including a serial killer, into the middle of a hurricane. Shake well.

In the end, I am forced to say that this book is just okay. The serial killer seemed cliched to me with his dislike of “wanton women just like her.” Anne Wingate used his point of view to create suspense but honestly, I think the book would have been better if she had left those scenes out.

If you are particularly fond of serial killers and police procedurals, though, you may like this better than I did.

Posted in Book Reviews.