Book Review: The Night Drifter

The Night Drifter (St. Leger, #2)
In this second book of the St. Leger series, the bridefinder presents Lance St. Leger with his destined bride, a fanciful lover of Arthurian legends who first meets Lance while he’s night drifting — leaving his body behind at night to wander the earth. She mistakes him for Sir Lancelot and his lost sword for Excalibur.

This premise was awkward. Rosaline falls in love with Sir Lancelot, but dislikes Lance on sight. I had trouble buying this. And when I did manage to suspend disbelief I found Rosalind to be hopelessly silly. I wasn’t even sure I understood why she took such a dislike to Lance. She heard some rumors… didn’t even try to get to know him.

Moreover, Lance’s reasons for being angsty were thin. He did something stupid when he was 18 and has been beating himself up about it ever since. If all 18-year-olds who did stupid things responded that way… well…

I continued to enjoy the subtle magic against the backdrop of a Regency setting. I am very interested in reading about Lance’s twin brother, Valentine, in the final St. Leger volume.

I recommend this book if you read and enjoyed The Bridefinder.

Rating: 3/5

Title: The Night Drifter
Author: Susan Carroll
ISBN: 0449005852
Published February 1, 2000

Buy Night Drifter on Amazon Kindle

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