The Crystal Ball: Interactive Stories?

Picture this: You’re reading a story live on a blog, the character just having posted about her latest predicament, and you have the opportunity (through commenting) to suggest her next move. Maybe there are photographs to help you visualize a murder scene, and you can try to spot something out of place. Or maybe she’s trying to decide who to trust, and you think you can offer advice.

What am I talking about? Because it doesn’t sound like a book. It doesn’t even sound like a story. And writing it is the author’s job, right?

Of course it is, and ultimately, the author still would, but consider the world of blogging, in which real people put their stories out there all the time, and the internet responds.

But wait, there’s more. What if more than one author got together, with more than one blog? Perhaps I write in the voice of a young woman just beginning to uncover the truth about her magical destiny, and someone else writes from the point of view of her would-be mentor, be he friend or foe?

Experimental writing styles aren’t new, and most of them fall by the wayside, having failed, miserably. But with the advent of eBooks, we have the chance to really think outside the box and redefine the meaning of a story.

The interactive blog story is something I have considered doing. I have a feeling it would be a tough sell, requiring a strong character, strong plot, and a willing audience (both readers and participants). If it could work, it may have to be further in the future than my crystal ball can see, but what if?

And what else might the future hold, without the linear shackles of the ink and paper book?

Don’t forget Touch of Fate is FREE until March 10, 2012!

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Posted in ChitChat.