The body of water in the background of my book cover is Table Rock Lake, a man-made lake that stretches for many miles through southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas. The story takes place in a fictionalized town called Eagle Rock, MO, a tourist town on Table Rock Lake in the Ozark Mountains. There is […]
Author Archive: Christine
Cassie is on Twitter
I confess, I’ve never really known what to do with twitter. As Christine Amsden, I mostly tweet my new blog posts, and hey, maybe that’s good enough. Most of what I have to say that’s important at all goes up on my blog sooner or later. Plus, I’m a novelist — saying something in 140 […]
Characters Welcome
Characters Welcome Come join me next week at Savvy Authors, where I will be leading a new and highly interactive workshop for writers who want to get up close and personal with their main characters. This is a different type of character workshop, one that goes beyond general wisdom and into an […]
Cassie Scot Cover Art Reveal!
After much delay and anticipation, here it is, the cover art for my upcoming novel, Cassie Scot: ParaNormal Detective! Drum roll please…. … … … The cover art was painted by Ural Akyuz. Some of you may be wondering: What’s going on in the picture? The woman is Cassie, more or less as I envisioned […]
Book Review: Alien in the Family
Alien in the Family is the third book in this bizarre comic-book style science fiction series that I continue to read for reasons beyond understanding. It’s like when you’re watching a really bad movie or TV series, and you know it’s bad, but it’s bad in a specific way, and you can’t take your eyes […]
Cassie Coming to Life…
We’re close! Today I received the image for the cover art and I am so thrilled with it. I can’t do more than tease you with it for now, but we’re days away from the big cover art reveal. At this point, it only needs the title and by-line, then my publisher will send me […]
Book Review: Alien Tango
The second volume in the super-sexy alien fantasy series follows the style of the first, so if you liked it, you’ll like this one too. If you didn’t like it, you won’t like this one. If you’re like me and are not sure why you’re reading, you’ll still wonder, but you’ll probably keep reading. 🙂 […]
Running the Mile
When I was a kid, I was pretty much the stereotypical nerd. Okay…okay…I still am! But I’m wiser now. For one thing, I’ve learned that I can run…maybe not quickly, but I can do it. I’m not that kid hopelessly watching the natural athletes from the sidelines as I once again feel the dawning certainty […]
Book Review: Touched by an Alien
Let’s cut to the chase: This is cheesy. The “science” in the science fiction book involves a lot of hand waving and I couldn’t always follow it logically, even internally. So I tried not to think of this book as a science fiction read, instead trying to suspend disbelief for the romantic fantasy — tough […]
Setting Stories Free
Stories are never finished, they can only be set free. A few months ago, I was honored to stumble across a woman who had decided to take three workshops with me. It had been about a year since I had seen her last, but it didn’t take me long to recognize the novel she used […]