Cassie is on Twitter

I confess, I’ve never really known what to do with twitter. As Christine Amsden, I mostly tweet my new blog posts, and hey, maybe that’s good enough. Most of what I have to say that’s important at all goes up on my blog sooner or later. Plus, I’m a novelist — saying something in 140 characters isn’t in my nature!

But this week, I decided to try an experiment. I’ve set up a twitter account for Cassie Scot, the heroine of my new urban fantasy series. She is listed as a NORMAL detective, and adds that

NORMAL Detective. Please note: I do not do love spells, location spells, exorcisms, summonings (demon or otherwise), potions, charms, or memory modification.

Her location is given as Eagle Rock, MO, the primary setting for the series and Cassie’s hometown.

I’m not sure what Cassie will have to say, but she usually comes up with something. This is all just for fun — no spoilers, no direct pushing of the books (although indirectly, its existence is a push for the books). At this point, I’m actually picturing Cassie as she is before the start of book 1, trying to establish a NORMAL detective agency but having little luck. Once the book comes out, I may shift that timeframe, but I will continue to avoid blatant spoilers. (Teasers are fair game.)

If you’re interested, here’s the twitter link:


Feedback is appreciated — this is an experiment so I’ll be curious to know if it’s working.

Posted in Cassie Scot, My Writing.