Follow Friday, Zombie Apocalypse Edition

Q. What are you doing to prepare for an upcoming zombie apocalypse and/or the return of Mel Gibson to the silver screen? (Both of which could be terrifying.)

A. Well, I just listened to “re: Your Brains” by Jonathan Coulton, so I have it on good authority that the zombies just want my brains, not my eyes or anything. They seemed very reasonable, and willing to compromise. So I’m thinking negotiation is the best strategy…that, and flame throwers.

Posted in ChitChat.


  1. Oddly enough both Home Depot and Lowes sell flame throwers at a very reasonable price. One of my co-workers uses it to kill the grass in his gravel driveway.

  2. howard@malinche.netThe Follow Friday post is (and, as always, please be sure to include the signature below):

    As the saying goes – the best defense is a good offense. I’ve got that covered! My preparations for the zombie apocalypse are not just intricate, they’re stylish. I’m not talking “last stand” stuff here. I mean to lure in the zombies and slaughter them wholesale while we sip champagne and watch.

    How am I going to do that? Follow me back to my blog at and read all about it.

    Thank G-d it’s Follow Friday!

    Howard Sherman, Implementor

  3. If you bore out feed tube, add a diffuser and add air holes behind the diffuser you could get up to maybe 1.5 feet of flame. Unfortunately it would only last maybe 10 minutes if you were lucky.

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