Follow Friday



Q. How many books do you read in a week? And in what format do you read them, or listen to them?

Due to my visual impairment, I almost exclusively listen to audiobooks through the National Library for the Blind. Their new digital player allows me to download books from their catalog in minutes, and listen to them at double speed, so I can usually get through 3-4 of them in a week.

I also work through eBooks on my computer, that I blow up to 36-pt font. This takes me much longer, and I can usually only do one of these each week. I only recently started to do this at all, because I wanted a chance to review newer books, or books that were not available through the NLS.

Doing critiques for unpublished writers takes up some of my reading time as well. This month, I have been teaching a scifi & fantasy world building workshop through a chapter of the RWA, and reading my students’ assignments has substituted for my eBook reading. (I also teach through Savvy Authors.)

I don’t read print books at all, but from time to time, my husband will read one to me. This is how we have read the entire Dresden Files series. (#13 coming out this summer!)

How mahy books do you read in a week? Don’t forget to post your blog link!

Happy Friday!

Posted in ChitChat.


  1. Thanks for stopping by! I’ve been a follower of yours for a while now, but somehow I missed your contest! I’ve entered. πŸ™‚

  2. Honestly, I think reading 4-5 books in a week is a little insane, so no need to be embarrassed. πŸ™‚ (Yes, I’m a little insane.)

  3. I usually read about 3-4 books per week. More than I should, probably. I should be spending that time writing, but reading is my first love. I’m a new follower via Parajunkee. Looking forward to reading your tips for writers!

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