Chocolate Bunnies

Not all chocolate bunnies are created equal. When I was a child, I used to think that the best bunnies were the BIG ones. As a more discerning adult, I now know that bigger is not always better — not even with chocolate.

Of course, most of the really big bunnies are hollow inside, which means you don’t really get more chocolate. Also, the chocolate tends to be low quality.

Low quality chocolate is abundant in the United States. Companies are likely to make chocolate sweeter rather than creamier or chocolatier. I recently discovered, to my dismay, that Hershey’s chocolate is now entirely unsuitable for its main function — s’mores — because it is too sweet and waxy. The waxiness means it does not melt when shoved between graham cracker and hot marshmallow and the sweetness means it’s just too much for a hot summer day around a campfire after having filled up on bratwursts or hamburgers.

I just looked up and saw the title of this post is supposed to be “Chocolate Bunnies” and that I have gotten sidetracked. So I will simplify this — get Dove chocolate bunnies. Dove is a little more expensive than Russel Stover’s and Hershey’s but it is worth every penny in rich, creamy, smooth milk chocolate.

Posted in ChitChat.