Giveaways and Guest Reviews

About a month ago, I put a copy of The Immortality Virus up on Goodreads for one of their giveaways, and I got a terrific response! In the wake of that, my husband, Austin, decided he wanted to try to win some books, so he spent an afternoon signing up for many of the contests there.

Well…he WON…and WON…and WON! He has received (or will receive) nine books through these contests, and honestly, he doesn’t have as much time to read as I do. (Very few people manage to read as many books as I do! 🙂 )

As these books are in standard print, I am unable to read them, or I would be happy to review many of the titles myself. At this point, I can only review books on audio or eBooks I can blow up to a comfortable font (which is larger than your standard large print book). But as an author, I understand the importance of getting reviewed, so starting tomorrow, I have invited my husband to write guest reviews when he finishes one of his Goodreads contest books.

In addition, because I’m also a mother who understands that we already have four bookshelves packed with books, not to mention boxes in the basement, I’m going to re-give away each book as he finishes reading them. This helps me keep my house clean, and it helps the author, who will hopefully get another review out of the deal.

So stop by tomorrow for Austin’s first review and giveaway. And of course, stay tuned for more reviews from me. I’ve had a busy week, so I’m a bit behind in my blogging, but I expect to be back in it soon!

Posted in Book Reviews, ChitChat.