Who is living your life?

At the heart of Touch of Fate is the story of a woman like you or me — one who often feels out of control in her own life. She often feels as if someone else is making decisions and living for her. In her case, she has a very tangible problem — prophecies of the future she can’t change — but we all feel there are things we can’t change in our lives.

In fact, there are things in our lives we can’t control…other people, for example. We may be able to influence them, but we can’t force people to act a certain way. We have to learn to live in a world not entirely of our choosing, so it’s only natural that we often feel helpless. Some of us have even fallen into patterns where we let other people and events shape our lives. After all, what can we do?

We can change ourselves. We can choose our own actions. If you want to live your life then you must accept what you can’t change and strive to make the most of what you can.

Touch of Fate is a work of fiction, but its main theme is true to life. The characters struggle with the same problems we all do — intensified a notch. (Or perhaps not, intuition and psychic phenomenon are still not well understood.) They make some of the same bad choices we do in an attempt to make sense of the world and to take control. Several of the women suffer from eating disorders. A young girl turns to sex. Some try to throw themselves into their work. Marianne struggles with hopelessness and depression. Yet for all of this, there is hope. We can make a difference in our own lives when we accept what we can’t change and make the best choices available to us.

Posted in Touch of Fate.