My friend and neighbor finished reading my book a couple of days ago and yesterday during our semi-regular (emphasis on the “semi”) workout she asked me if I had ever met anyone who could really predict the future. I said that no, I had not, and she told me that she sometimes knew when the phone was going to ring and who was calling.
I really started thinking about it after she went home. There is a lot about the world that we don’t know and there is especially a lot about the human brain that we don’t know. Perhaps time isn’t even linear, as we often envision it, but a solenoid. (In fact, this theory has been put forth by people who have a lot more apreciation for its implications than I do!)
Even I have envisioned events before they happened. In my case, I write them off as coincidence. My brain tends to move at about a million miles an hour, constantly thinking about what has happened, is happening, and what will happen. I picture the future in dozens of different ways, often including highly unlikely fantasies like appearing on Oprah. It tends to be the likelier fantasies, like my husband coming home early from work to surprise me with flowers, that “come true.” With all those guesses floating around in my mind, eventually a few have to be right….right?
I guess I just don’t know and will keep an open mind, but you can rest assured that the psychic powers presented in my book are entirely fictional. :=)