Movie Review: Gravity

gravity-movie-poster-203x300I watched Gravity on DVD.

Gravity is a story of survival in space.

This wasn’t a bad movie. There are plenty of good things I could say about it, mostly in terms of cinematography. It was a beautiful movie, and all of it was filmed to make the actors look like they were in the weightlessness of space. That took some doing.

I’ve heard people say that the pace was slow and it was certainly … gradual. The conflict didn’t rise toward a climax so much as glide through to the end, with a few spikes here in there for good measure. In a slow movie, I feel impatient for it to end, which wasn’t how I felt here. I was always interested in knowing how they would get through this situation, and I thought at more than one point that the main characters would both die. That’s pretty good conflict, actually, even if it’s gradual.

Gravity is a story of survival in space. And it tells that story well. But that’s all this is. There is no depth of character (though we learn a bit about the two main characters), no moral, no subplot of any kind. As an author, I find coming up with loglines (one sentence to describe a whole book) to e just about the most challenging thing I have to do. I don’t have that problem with Gravity.

Bottom line: Good but not great. Not the sort of movie I’m likely to want to watch again.


Posted in Movie and TV Reviews.