“I couldn’t put it down!”

Today, I received my first unbiasd review (meaning not from a friend or relative) and I was thrilled! I’m working on a review section of the website and will put that up as soon as I can.

What comes next? Well, the first thing we need to do is get this book out to the ebook distributors. Before we can do that, we need permanent cover art. I think I am going to have a public vote for the best cover art so I can get some real, honest thoughts on which cover is most likely to get people to pick up the book. This should happen soon…but please don’t ask me to define the word “soon.”

Once that happens, we can start talking about going to print. I’m really excited for the print release. I’m getting positive feedback on this e-book release but I am also getting a lot of, “I’ll wait for the paperback.” I can understand that.

More updates coming soon…

Posted in Touch of Fate.