Happy Election Day (US)

We are amazingly privileged to be citizens of the Untied States of America, and for so many reasons. We live in a society with advancements to make our lives easier, with educational opportunities to make the world fairer, and of course, with the world’s best military to keep us safe. We get all of that, and in return our government asks so very little of us — occasionally serve on a jury when called, and vote in regularly scheduled elections.

That’s it. Those are our only constitutionally prescribed duties. Paying taxes is a matter of law, and if you don’t like it, there’s something you can do about it. 🙂

In a free country, voting is not a privilege. Informed voting is a responsibility. Our forebears fought and died for it, but today some people take it for granted. It’s not about whether or not a single vote can make a difference. I’m a left-wing liberal nut job (an endearment, I’m sure 🙂 ) in a dark crimson state, I have no illusions about the weight of my vote. And still it is my duty, as a responsible citizen, to participate in the democratic process.

So if you haven’t already, get out and vote!

Posted in ChitChat.