Back to School

I hate it when my blog goes quiet for any length of time, even just a week, but I am the sole poster here, and it’s bound to happen sometimes. This week has been back to school week for my kids, so I’ll go ahead and use that as an excuse. It’s usually convincing. 🙂
That real reason is that I’m trying to put as many other projects on hold as I can right now while I finish my draft of  Dreamer, the last book in the Cassie Scot series.  Now that the kids are back to school, I will have 3 solid hours each afternoon to work on it, so I’m hoping to be “finished” in a few weeks.
“Finished” is in quotes because i’t s slippery word in the writing world. I’ll have a draft finished, then I send it to a few trusted readers who tell me what’s wrong with it. Then I fix those things, plus anything else I figure out during the month or two I let it sit. (It helps to get some distance.) Then I do a thorough copy edit and word smithing pass. Then it goes to my publisher, who sends it to copy editors, who find more problems to fix.

Finishing that first draft is a big deal, though. It becomes the solid foundation of everything that comes after, and once it’s done, I will breathe a lot easier.

And hopefully, post a lot more often!

Posted in ChitChat.