Series Review: Sookie Stackhouse

A few weeks ago, I shared my impressions of Dead Until Dark, the first volume in the Sookie Stackhouse series, which instantly drew me in with a terrific narrative voice and compelling main character. Since then, I have read through to the latest book in the series, book ten, and while I continue to recommend the books, the experience was not without hiccups.

After a strong beginning, Sookie came close to losing me around books 4-6, when I felt the series was losing focus. I no longer knew what it was about, with her love life floundering, and the plots of the books beginning to seem more like a series of unfortunate events than a cohesive story. Worse, Sookie didn’t grow or change from her experiences, and even after I started enjoying the books again (roundabout book seven), I never felt like she had any particular goals or motivations save to exist and survive. In book ten, Sookie is more or less then person she was in book one, perhaps with a harder edge.

The books continue to be fast paced and well written throughout, and it continues to be a testament to the author’s skill that I am hooked on a series featuring vampire romance. The world is fun and inventive, and the stories are full of energy and drama.

At this point, I do feel that the series is outliving its charm, but that’s because the longer a series, the more I expect from it in terms of depth, growth, and change. I’m ready for some closure here, but I’m not ready to put it down.

Overall, I would give the series 3.5 stars, and recommend it to anyone who is looking for a fun magical soap opera.

Posted in Book Reviews, Fantasy, Romance.