New Look and TItle for My Blog

I’ve given my website a facelift. I mentioned a few months ago that the messy desk theme wasn’t really me, but it took me a while to get around to making changes. (You know how these things go. 🙂 )

I started by changing the title of my web site from “Christine Amsden” to “Into the Dreaming.” For a long time, I’ve wanted a title that captured what I do here, but it took me a while to figure out what, exactly that was. There’s my own writing, obviously, and then reviews of books across multiple genres, and now I’ve added editing services! So, what do I do?

Fiction. Whatever else it is, it’s all fiction. So I came up with the new title, and found a blog theme to match. The entire site is a little cleaner now, and hopefully easier to read. (If not, definitely let me know. I need to know these things!)

Posted in ChitChat.