The Dresden Files

A while back I reported on “Storm Front” and “Fool Moon” by Jim Butcher. I have since read all but the most recent installment of The Dresden Files, “Small Favors,” which is currently on my nightstand.

The first two books are good, but somewhere around book four, the series takes off. I started picking up the next book as soon as I finished the one before. The story line and characters get even better as the series progresses, and Jim Butcher introduces several captivating arcs that go from book to book (although each book manages to come to a conclusion).

I no longer feel I can compare these books to the television series that first inspird me to read them. The books are much better and the series lacked a great deal of potential.

Oh, and aside from action and drama, I must also mention the sense of humor in the books. This, too, gets steadily better as the series progresses. I often laugh out loud as I read them. It’s hard to find good comic relief.

So read these. Besides that they’re good, Jim Butcher is a fellow Kansas City area author. :=)

Posted in Book Reviews, Fantasy.