Rereading Wheel of Time: The Path of Daggers (Book 8)

My opinion of this particular book has improved upon reread. Maybe it helps that sense of impatience that I don’t have to wait several years for the sequel to come out, because for certain things are still edging forward slowly, but there was something compelling about the hard lessons Rand had to learn over the […]

Rereading Wheel of Time: A Crown of Swords (Book 7)

And the slowing continues… This book only covers about two weeks, shorter than any span of time in the other books. Ebu Dar is a big focus, where Elayne and Nynaeve are trying to find the bowl of the winds. Mostly though, it was a nudge here and there, ending with a big push that […]

Rereading Wheel of Time: Lord of Chaos (Book 6)

And so begins the slowing of the plot… I say this from the perspective of someone who was fond enough of this story to be willing to reread these long books in order to finally see how it ends, but let’s face it, the number 1 complaint of readers when it comes to The Wheel […]

Rereading Wheel of Time: Fires of Heaven (Book 5)

Nations fall. The tower breaks. And the seals on the dark one’s prison are crumbling at an alarming rate. In my rereading of book 5 of the Wheel of Time, I felt a bit impatient with one of the subplots — Elayne and Nynaeve trek across the world after dealing with black aja members in […]

Rereading Wheel of Time: The Shadow Rising (Book 4)

ETA: Check out the clip from the audio version of this book at the bottom of my review. I’ve been reading the series in audio format, and if you’re into that kind of thing, you should definitely give this one a try. My trek back through the world of the Wheel of Time continues with […]

Rereading Wheel of Time: The Dragon Reborn (Book 3)

Years ago I heard that Jordan initially planned this 14-volume series as a trilogy. Rereading it, I think that perhaps, at the end of the first book, he might have had a chance at that. It would have involved him taking the easy and simpler road, but it would have been possible. By the end […]

Rereading Wheel of Time: The Great Hunt (Book 2)

My journey back through the 14-volume Wheel of Time Series continues with book 2, The Great Hunt. I think this is where the series really begins to take off. Rand is already no longer the boy he was when it all began just a few months earlier, but he still fears and mistrusts his destiny. […]

Rereading Wheel of Time: The Eye of the World (Book 1)

It seems so many years ago that I got caught up in this larger than life series. I discovered it during my college years, nearly 15 years ago, and read the books faithfully through book 9. And though I had complaints, I didn’t give up on it even then, I simply could not remember enough […]

Book Review: Alien Proliferation

This series manages to remain engaging as our heroine, Kitty, gives birth in a rather dramatic (melodramatic?) way. Her husband, Jeff, survives her labor pains — barely. Then, of course, all heck breaks loose. An old friend from high school barely escapes goons intent on killing her, there are traitors who need unmasking, and evil […]

Book Review: Cold Days by Jim Butcher

Dresden is BACK! Not that I was worried, but after the disappointing Ghost Days (#13), I was eager to reconnect with the Harry I knew. Cold Days is the 14th (yes, that’s right) novel in an impressively long series — impressive because I’m still eager for more! This series doesn’t stagnate. With each new book, […]