Rhapsody Trilogy by Elizabeth Haydon

I just finished reading the Rhapsody Trilogy by Elizabeth Haydon. (Rhapsody: Child of Blood, Prophecy: Child of Earth, Destiny: Child of the Sky) Overall, this series was engaging and kept me reading. This was a high fantasy tale, full of magic and romance. I enjoyed the adventure, I enjoyed the world, but most of all […]

Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family

I am only halfway through this book, but I want to throw in something that I am feeling strongly positive about so you don’t go thinking I dislike or am ambivolent about every book I read. I enjoy a great many books that, in time, will probably end up getting a review here. (I wanted […]

The Eve of Anna

I read The Eye of Anna by Anne Wingate about two weeks ago. I often try to throw in a mystery/detective novel into the mix from time to time and I understood that when it comes to forensic science, Anne Wingate knows her stuff. I will agree — Anne Wingate does know her stuff when […]

The Five People You Meet In Heaven

I’ve decided to start a section of my blog dedicated to letting you know what I’m reading and what I think about it. I try to read a wide variety of books but you will see more science fiction and fantasy on this blog than any other type of story. I will begin with a […]