Touch of Fate Review

The US Review of Books, which covers the Eric Hoffer Awards, had this to say about Touch of Fate: “This is a strong first novel from an author who understands dialogue and the art of making human exchanges believable. Here is a mystery story wrapped around paranomal events. Marianne can see the future, although what […]

Eric Hoffer Honorable Mention: Touch of Fate

My debut novel, Touch of Fate, received an honorable mention for legacy fiction in the Eric Hoffer 2011 Book Awards. Touch of Fate was published through Twilight Times Books in 2007, and is still available as both a paperback and an ebook. (Amazon has had the kindle version for $2.99 for a couple months now.) […]

Characterization: The Circle of Intimacy

One way to think about interpersonal relatoinships is as a series of expanding circles. I’m in the middle, and inside my innermost circle are my closest confidantes — family and friends who are closer to knowing the real me than anyone else. In the next circles there are friends of gradually decreasing intimacy…the ones you […]

Book Review: Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera #1)

I should preface this review with two facts: First, I am not a huge epic fantasy fan. I’ve read some of it, and enjoyed some of it, but it is not my first choice as a sub-genre. Second: I love The Dresden Files, and in fact, the only reason I picked up this epic fantasy […]

Follow Friday

I’ve decided to start participating in Follow Friday, an opportunity for bloggers to get to know new bloggers.     Follow Friday is a weekly event hosted by Parajunkee. All to discover new amazing blogs and new friends! This weeks featured is Ninja Girl from Ninja Girl Reads. This weeks question: It’s circle time. Time for us […]

Tips for Writers: Beginnings

Starting July 5, I’m teaching a workshop on beginnings at Savvy Authors. I have a loose outline of topics I discuss, but the real advantage to the couse is that you will get a chance to post the first chapter or two (depending upon size) of your novels and receive specific feedback from me and […]

Book Review: Maybe This Time

We’ve got a haunted house, traumatized children, a long-over marriage that maybe deserves a second chance, a TV reporter with too-perfect teeth and a sinister agenda, and most of all: We have Jennifer Crusie’s usual delightful style, making it all so much fun. I really enjoyed this book. The paranormal aspect integrated well into the […]

Giveaways and Guest Reviews

About a month ago, I put a copy of The Immortality Virus up on Goodreads for one of their giveaways, and I got a terrific response! In the wake of that, my husband, Austin, decided he wanted to try to win some books, so he spent an afternoon signing up for many of the contests […]

Interview with Leah Cypess, Author of Mistwood

This week, I had a chance to talk to Leah Cypess, author of the young adult fantasy novel, Mistwood, and its companion (coming soon), Nightspell. (You can find my review of Mistwood here.) Questoin: What do you hope readers will take away from their experience reading Mistwood? Did you write it simply to entertain, or […]

Tips for Writers in the Movie Age

We live in a pretty cool world, riding a wave of technological advancement that science fiction writers never accurately dreamed a century ago — though they tried. Do you know what I can do right now? I don’t even have to get up from my computer, but I can go to Netflix and with a […]